Doing Rounds for acupuncture and Chinese Herbs treatments at the Hospital of Shanghai, China
Acupuncture is an ancient art therapy that stimulates a Self Healing response. Needles are applied in special areas of the body called acu-points. Acu-points are like doors or windows that offer easy access to the Qi or energy of the body. You can get into a building through the door or through the walls, but it is much easier using the doors, similarly the acu-points are utilized in acupuncture to reestablish the balance of the body or to remove blockages that prevent the proper movement of Qi (energy)and blood circulation. Such imbalances and blockages cause illness and pain. In cases of injuries, it is easy to observe black and blue areas,as well as tenderness or pain in such areas. Although sometimes these blockages are not so obvious, they still cause imbalances and or pain in the body. The needles stimulate the acu-points to generate a response from the body, activating the Qi and blood circulation, balancing the subtle energy fields, as well as releasing endorphins that are natural pain killers of the body.
CloseAre Acupuncture Treatments Painful?
Acupuncture Yin Yang, P.C. utilizes the highest quality, superfine, disposable sterile needles for a more pleasant and comfortable treatment. Actually some of our patients schedule their napping time during their acupuncture treatment because they say that it is that relaxing. Although some areas of the body may be more sensitive to pain, any discomfort, if any, goes away shortly after the needle has penetrated
CloseAcupuncture is considered one of the safest professions in the medical field. With little or no side effects. The most common ones are little bruises that usually don’t hurt and go away within only a few days. .
CloseHow Do I Prepare For My acupuncture Treatments?
Little or no preparation is necessary. Just make sure you don’t come with an empty stomach. Please come on time. If you need to cancel, please let us know at least 24 hour prior to your appointment.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
This greatly depends on your condition, the type of problem, how long you’ve had it, your constitution, and how frequently you are able to have treatments. In some cases herbal formulas can speed up your recovery.
CloseWhat conditions does acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can be helpful for treating a wide variety of conditions such as:
Acne |
Immune disorders AND MORE! |
Why Are Our Treatments of Oriental Medicine so effective?
We tailor each one of the acupuncture, or herbal treatments, or even dietary recommendations especially for that particular person and for the particular moment. In other words, we may have four patients complaining of constipation, yet we might give them different treatments according to the root of the problem. Throughout the course of the treatments, as the condition changes, so does the protocol.
Also in Oriental Medicine we treat the body as a whole. For example, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), problems in the eyes are associated to the liver, and problems of the ear are associated with the kidneys, etc.
CloseWhat conditions can Oriental medicine treat?
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can be helpful for treating a wide variety of conditions such as:
Acne |
Immune disorders AND MORE! |
Can the herbal tea interact with my medications?
The rule of thumb is to prevent interactions with any other treatments by keeping the herbal about two hours apart from any medication.
CloseGenerally Chinese herbs are considered to be very safe, especially when given by a Certified Chinese Herbologist. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has established high standards for a national exam to award Certification in Chinese Herbs.
CloseHow Much Do the Treatments Cost?
Acupuncture Yin Yang offers discounts-- the more frequently you need to come, the more discounts you get. With these discounts you are encouraged to come as often as you need. Other packages are also available. Buy six appointments at the regular price, get the 7th for free. Buy twelve, get three for free. Herbal consultation is included in the cost of the Acupuncture fee. However the herbs are provide at an extra cost. Herbal consultation without acupuncture gets a discount.
CloseWill My Insurance Cover These Treatments?
Acupuncture Yin Yang accepts most no fault car insurances. We participate with Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, PPO, IPN and EPO. Please note that most medical insurance policies have only very limited coverage for acupuncture.